Posted in devotional, faith, LIFESTYLE

Be a medic…

I love how God gives me a revelation. He does it usually through things that grab my attention, which is good for some who has a deficit in that area!  

So, I get revelation playing stupid games, watching tv shows (rare now, cos tv isn’t something I do often anymore) Um, he does it through reading crime novels (an exceptionally weird one there, not as weird as the next one) Adverts, I kid you not, I’ll be watching an advert and something will occur to me and just by observing certain situations. As well as the obvious listening to the word (I often play books of the bible on YouTube whilst doing my chores)  

Anyways, back to the title, which was revealed whilst watching an interview on breakfast tv.  

I saw medics and whilst in the ambulance on the way to an emergency they were talking and very much appeared to be totally bewildered and actually frightened by what they believed awaited them. 

But, the minute they arrived it was like a veil fell and they approached the situation with all the training they’d been given, not letting on that they feared they wouldn’t be able to deal with what faced them (incidentally, a woman at 40 weeks pregnant who was bleeding, a bleed that indicated a ruptured placenta, a huge danger to both mother and baby)  

Being interviewed, they were complimented on their proficient handling of the situation and how marvellously they just took control of the situation. When asked how they did that, the woman replied. ‘It is how we’re trained.’  

And it got me thinking. Despite their fear, they were able to ignore that fear, why? Because they were confident in that training, right? 

And, I began to think about it in terms of spiritual strength. 

What if we walked into every situation in our lives and ignoring our feelings, just shook off our doubt and thought. If you brought me to it, you will bring me through it?  

And in that, actually had confidence in our own ability to endure, THAT WE HAVE WHAT IT TAKES not through our own power but his? 

What if that would happen?  

If, when the enemy attacks, we pulled the shutters down on what we feel and just lifted our hands and said NO? 

I wonder how different our lives would be if we refused to bow to our fear? If we stopped considering past outcomes that weren’t to our favour and despite thinking ‘God, this could be bad’ and let’s face it, even, saying it, we decided that when we came to face the persecution/the attack and put on a professional faith face, we lifted the shield of faith and said, ‘You may not pass!’ 😉  

What if we decided to… Be like those medics? 

We need to fill our hearts minds and ears with the faith-building word from the bible, listen to the stories of David’s victory over Goliath, Jacobs prevailing in his wrestling match with God. On how God not only delivered the children of Israel but drowned the army that was pursuing them. 

Because, like those medics, we need to train for the battles that face us and with every situation, we need to learn to lean on him. You will find, when you look back, in the times you did do that, the victory came more rapidly than when you worried and stressed!